TriLaser Services ®

About TriLaser ® Technology, the latest innovation in laser hair removal that exists in the market. It incorporates the advanced TRI wavelength technology, which integrates 3 wavelengths in the same applicator: 775 nm, 810 nm, and 1064 nm, Alexandrite + Diode + ND Yag.
Benefits of TriLaser ® Technology, great efficiency in a variety of profiles of patients and cases. A virtually painless treatment. For all skin types, even tanned skin. Removes up to 65% of the hair from the first session. Fewer number of sessions.
Before Treatment: Come in without makeup, without creams, and without deodorant. Come in as recently shaved as possible without the skin being irritated (ideally, 1-2 days before). Come in with well-hydrated skin. Avoid consuming foods that can generate some type of skin allergy. Come in without having waxed or tweezed the areas to be treated for the last 2-3 weeks. Treatment will not be applied on skins that are burned, irritated, with blisters or scaling. Prior to each treatment, avoid the intake of photosensitizing substances such as tanning accelerators, beta carotenes, and St. John Tea or Supplements, among others.
During Treatment: Avoid using products with AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids). If hives or scabs appear, do not scratch them, let them fall off on their own. Avoid removing root hair (wax, tweezers). Use sunscreen daily (SPF 50 or higher) throughout the treatment. In the event that the client becomes pregnant, the treatment will be suspended.
After Treatment & Normal Reactions: Avoid sources of heat (sauna, steam, jacuzzi). Avoid swimming pools, and contact with strong chemical agents such as chlorine. Avoid exfoliating, astringent, or strongly rubbing the treated area. There are some reactions that are normal and in many cases desirable, such as small edemas or perifollicular erythemas, which usually disappears in up to a week. This means that the follicle has absorbed enough energy to destroy the target.
Unibrow-Entre Cejas Individual Session
$35.00Unibrow-Entre Cejas 8 Session Package
$235.00An SPF/FPS is Included with the package.Lip Surrounding Area- Alrededor Labios Individual Session
$45.00Lip Surrounding Area- Alrededor Labios 8 Session Package
$300.00An SPF/FPS is Included with the package.Chin-Barbilla Individual Session
$45.00Chin-Barbilla 8 Session Package
$300.00An SPF/FPS is included with the package.Cheeks- Mejillas Individual Session
$55.00Cheeks- Mejillas 8 Session Package
$360.00An SPF/FPS is included with the package.Neck-Cuello Individual Session
$70.00Neck-Cuello 8 Session Package
$500.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Nape of Neck-Nuca del Cuello Individual Session
$70.00Nape of Neck-Nuca del Cuello 8 Session Package
$500.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Sideburns- Patillas Individual Session
$55.00Sideburns- Patillas 8 Session Package
$360.00An SPF/FPS is included with the package.Lower Face/Beard- Barba Individual Session
$90.00Lower Face/Beard- Barba 8 Session Package
$640.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Full Face- Cara Completa Individual Session
$175.00Full Face- Cara Completa 8 Session Package
$1,180.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Hands- Manos Individual Session
$70.00Hands- Manos 8 Session Package
$500.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Fingers- Dedos Individual Session
$55.00Fingers- Dedos 8 Session Package
$360.00An SPF/FPS is included with the package.Bikini Line Individual Session
$100.00Bikini Line 8 Session Package
$720.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Brazilian Individual Session
$160.00Brazilian 8 Session Package
$1,000.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Thong Line- Linea de Tanga Individual Session
$65.00Thong Line- Linea de Tanga 8 Session Package
$425.00An SPF/FPS is included with the package.Full Buttocks- Gluteos Completos Individual Session
$135.00Full Buttocks- Gluteos Completos 8 Session Package
$950.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Buttocks/Cheeks- Mejillas/Nalgas Individual Session
$75.00Buttocks/Cheeks- Mejillas/Nalgas 8 Session Package
$500.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Full Arms-Brazos Completos Individual Session
$210.00Full Arms-Brazos Completos 8 Session Package
$1,420.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Half Arms-Medio Brazos Individual Session
$135.00Half Arms-Medio Brazos 8 Session Package
$940.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Underarms-Axilas Individual Session
$70.00Underarms-Axilas 8 Session Package
$500.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Full Back- Espalda Completa Individual Session
$220.00Full Back- Espalda Completa 8 Session Package
$1,400.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Half Back- Media Espalda Individual Session
$160.00Half Back- Media Espalda 8 Session Package
$1,120.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Quarter Back- Un Cuarto de Espalda Individual Session
$110.00Quarter Back- Un Cuarto de Espalda 8 Session Package
$750.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Full Chest-Pecho Completo Individual Session
$210.00Full Chest-Pecho Completo 8 Session Package
$1,440.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Half Chest- Medio Pecho Individual Session
$115.00Half Chest- Medio Pecho 8 Session Package
$810.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Areolas Individual Session
$75.00Areolas 8 Session Package
$500.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Abdomen Line- Linea Abdominal Individual Session
$85.00Abdomen Line- Linea Abdominal 8 Session Package
$610.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Abdomen Individual Session
$175.00Abdomen 8 Session Package
$1,180.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Full Legs-Piernas Completas Individual Session
$400.00Full Legs-Piernas Completas 8 Session Package
$2,600.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Lower Legs-Piernas Bajas Individual Session
$210.00Lower Legs-Piernas Bajas 8 Session Package
$1,450.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Upper Legs-Piernas Superior Individual Session
$225.00Upper Legs-Piernas Superior 8 Session Package
$1,550.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Feet-Pies Individual Session
$85.00Feet-Pies 8 Session Package
$610.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Toes-Dedos Individual Session
$55.00Toes-Dedos 8 Session Package
$360.00An SPF/FPS is included with the package.Shoulders-Hombros Individual Session
$100.00Shoulders-Hombros 8 Session Package
$710.00An SPF/FPS & Eminence Organics Rosehip & Lemongrass Repair Balm is included with the package.Ears-Oidos Individual Session
$60.00Ears-Oidos 8 Session Package
$360.00An SPF/FPS is included with the package.